Handshake Contacts by College, Campus, or Program

Each career services office has one primary Handshake contact, internally known as the Superuser, serving as the contact for any Handshake related issues or questions.

For general Handshake questions, contact [email protected]. For recruiting questions, please fill out our recruiting inquiry form, and we will follow up shortly.

College/Campus/Program Name Email Phone
Athletics Andrea Shada [email protected]
CSOM Molly Nord [email protected] 612-624-4338
CBS Rachel Perlin [email protected] 612-624-9717
CEHD Tina Zillhart [email protected] 612-625-3339
C&IS Sharon Heron [email protected] 612-624-9421
CLA Meki Aneke [email protected] 612-626-6574
CSE Samantha Tiemens-Anderson [email protected] 612-626-0533
Dentistry Jacquelin Wieland [email protected] 612-301-9436
HHH Rachel Leatham [email protected] 612-625-2847
UMC Nan Thurston [email protected] 218-281-8557
UMD Susan Hudec [email protected] 218-726-8966
UMM Irene Maloney [email protected] 320-589-6065
UMR Bridget Tetteh-Batsa [email protected] 507-258-8061